Cheap Printers Can Cause Problems and Run Your Business’s Bottom Line

Common Problems with Cheap Printers
As a business owner or an office manager, you probably look for ways to save and cut costs like limiting the office supplies that workers can use and changing your vendors. While you might feel tempted to buy a cheap office printer, you may change your mind after looking at some of the problems associated with those machines.
Poor Quality
The newest printers designed for commercial use have such great quality that each page you print will come out with a professional look. You won’t get the same quality with a cheap printer. These printers often feature fewer colors of ink and mix those colors together to make other shades, which will keep the pages from printing with all the colors that you want. That ink can take longer to dry, which can result in smudges and smears. Some pages may even smear coming out of the cheap printer.
Ink Usage
In addition to buying a printer, you need to maintain that printer. You might think that a cheap printer is best because you can save on the cost of ink. While ink for these printers may cost less than the ink for professional models, cheap printers often use more ink than expensive models do. You may go through an entire ink cartridge in just one day. The cost of replacing those cartridges will cost more than paying for print services Las Vegas to do the printing for you.
Paper Jams
Each second that you spend dealing with small problems around the office is time that you take away from running your business or managing your office. Cheap printers often experience frequent paper jams as the paper sticks to the rollers. This will require that you and other workers take time away from routine tasks and assignments to fix that paper and print the documents again. Don’t assume that buying a cheap printer will save you money because these machines can cost more over time.