MPS vs. Break-Fix for Small Businesses

copiers service


What Is the Break-Fix Repair Model?

Many copier repairs in Las Vegas could have been avoided if those business machines had received preventative maintenance. But is such proactive maintenance always the right choice? The break-fix repair model takes a different approach and suggests that businesses should wait until issues arises before taking action.

Proactive vs. Reactive

Determining which approach is optimal for your business really comes down to whether a proactive or reactive approach to copier repairs will be more cost-effective over the long-term. To determine this, you must consider the cost of the machine, cost of maintenance, cost of repair, failure rate of the particular machine and the effect that you can expect proactive maintenance to have.

Lower Overhead Through a Managed Approach

Generally, managed print services will reduce your overhead. It can make copiers less expensive to maintain, and as those costs lessen, the risk-reward of break-fix seems a lot less appealing. This can be true also if you have an in-house IT staff that can perform maintenance and the like on your copiers.

Complexity of Your Machines

Something else to consider is just how complex your copier machines are. State-of-the-art copiers are highly complex. Not only do they have many moving parts, but they are essentially computers with valuable motherboards, memory modules, solid-state drives and more. With such devices, the break-fix approach is rarely the more cost-effective option long-term because of the cost of the labor, the cost of replacement parts and how total expenses can be exacerbated as problems worsen.

The Small Business Exception

Small businesses can be an exception. Perhaps you are not using a modern, sophisticated copier. Perhaps your copier is much more basic and would not seem out of place for use at home. It is in such scenarios where the break-fix repair model still makes sense. After all, basic copiers have less parts to be replaced, and those parts are generally much less expensive.