Printing Services in Las Vegas and Choosing the Right Paper

Printing Services Las Vegas

Printing Services Las Vegas

Recommended Paper Qualities for Different Printing Services in Las Vegas

The type of project you want printed influences the kind of printing paper you use. With the market flooded with a variety of printing papers option, it is possible to get confused. You might end up making costly mistakes if you have little or no knowledge about printing papers. Luckily, we have created a guide to help you learn about printing papers. You can use the information to determine what paper suits your project. A business that offers printing services in Las Vegas can also use this information. The information in the guide can help improve the quality of your services. Learn more about copier maintenance and repair to help your business run with a few issues.

Coated and Uncoated Printing Paper

There are only two types of printing papers in commercial print, coated and uncoated. Not that any of the types is better than the other. The main difference is in the manufacturing process.

The majority of companies that offer printing services in Las Vegas have a stock of both types of papers. Knowing the difference brought about by using either of the two types will save you losses and time. Consider functionality, aesthetics, and price when choosing the type of paper to use.


Uncoated printing paper is a regular plain paper. They are porous, allowing ink to soak into the paper. When the ink soaks, it gives the paper a warm and soft appearance. You can classify uncoated papers by type. They are either text & cover, opaque, or offset.

Uncoated papers reflect a sense of authenticity and responsibility. Therefore, they are suitable for educational and non-profit projects. The uncoated paper holds ink well and gives a clear contrast between printed text and images. If your project involves direct mails, publications, and an identity system, consider uncoated papers. The drawback of using uncoated paper is that they absorb ink. The images might appear muddy and dull.


Coated printing paper has a coating that makes it to shine. Quality and finish are the criterions checked when classifying coated papers. The paper finish can either be dull, glossy, matte, or silk. Brightness level and the price will determine the quality of the paper.

Coated papers are ideal for magazines and products catalogs that require glossy optics. The coated surface is a perfect canvas for images. Their shiny surface gives a perfect contrast between the printed image and the blank space. You can also use coated papers for postcards and brochures. The main con of using coated papers is that you cannot write text using a pen.


Paper Thickness and Weight

The thickness and weight of a paper affect the outlook of your project. Some projects only work on thick paper. At the same time, other projects would look ridiculous on heavy thick paper.

It would be best if you grasp the concept of cover and text stock. When talking about cover stock, think about the book cover. Not the hard book covers but the softcover books. Text stock is the paper found inside the book.

Not that a book has anything to do with this discussion, but we have used the example to explain the difference in weight and thickness of the paper. As you can see, the respective weight and thickness of the paper affect its function.

How Thickness and Weight Affect Your Printing Services in Las Vegas

The thickness and weight of the paper will have a considerable impact on how you present your project. Do not rush into hiring a printing company before having enough information. You can also talk to a printing expert to advise you accordingly. There are things to keep in mind that might help you make a sound decision when choosing printing papers for your printing services in Las Vegas.

• Thinner paper is cheaper compared to thick paper.
• Thicker papers can withstand many variables. Brochures, postcards, and business cards would work well with thick paper.
• There is an unwritten rule that one should print certificates on thick paper.
• The cover paper and the text paper should be of different thicknesses.

For your magazine project to come out to perfection, you have to be keen on many things. The cover paper should be a bit heavier than the text paper. But not so heavy. It should be of the right thickness. Printing the magazine on thick paper will be weird.

Thinner papers are environmentally friendly. Help conserve the environment by printing projects that are not so sensitive on thin papers.

Paper Brightness and Opacity for Printing Services in Las Vegas

The brightness and opacity of a printing paper affect the result of your project. The brightness of a paper is measured on a scale of 1 to 100. One hundred is the brightest. Some projects like magazines and brochures require brighter papers. For some reason, educational projects work better on paper that is not that bright.

Opacity is a measure of the intensity at which text shows on the other side. Business cards and postcards are 100% opaque. Meaning you cannot see anything from the other side. If you are printing on both sides, it would be better if you chose opaque paper. It isn’t delightful to read a paper when the other side’s text is showing.

The Condition of the Copier Machine

The condition of the copier machine does not affect the quality of the printing paper, but it does affect the quality of your project. Machines that do not regulate the amount of ink could make your work look substandard.

It is easy to overlook the problem your copier might be posing and end up paying more money. You might also lose loyal customers when you produce poor-quality services. Sunrise Office System offers quality and affordable copier repair services. If you offer printing services in Las Vegas and notice distress on your copier machine, call S.O.S for a fast fix.

Finding Affordable Printing Services in Las Vegas

You can find companies that offer premium printing services in Las Vegas at a discounted price. When printing a project, quality is a bare minimum requirement. Don’t let quality betray you after long hours of planning, designing, and doing the job. Find the best materials, starting with the paper, to print your job.