Should Your Business Go Paperless?

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Going paperless is in right now, and it has many advocates. However, there are some things you should consider before you commit yourself to the cause.

Weighing the Cost of a Paperless Business

Ever since “The Office” made a hit television show out of a paper business, people have thought about paper. One of the tension plots of that show was the rapid growth of paperless businesses. If you are a small business owner, it would be wise to weigh the potential advantages and costs of a paperless business.

Protecting the Environment

According to some estimates, paper waste accounts for 25% of all landfill waste in the United States. While businesses hardly account for all that waste, going paperless still contributes to a healthier planet. It leads to reduced paper waste as well as less usage of the ink and plastics associated with printers, copiers and fax machines.

Cutting Costs

Reducing expenditures is one of the main reasons businesses go paperless in the first place. Paper is expensive, but ink cartridges, file cabinets and equipment maintenance are also costs that add up. Going paperless often prolongs the need to upgrade to a larger office. Going paperless can also streamline the bookkeeping process and make it easier to keep track of financial records. Not only does this save money, but it can ultimately lead to a more profitable, financially stable business.

Some Things to Bear in Mind

Going paperless is not without difficulties, not the least of which is security. Although it is certainly possible to secure documents online through a combination of firewalls, encryption and local servers, it is essential to familiarize yourself with how all of these protections work long before you make the leap. Another potential security risk is a system failure on individual computers or a network. There may also be unexpected events that demand printed media be made available. If you want a paperless office but still require paper services, you may consider utilizing printing services in Las Vegas. By outsourcing your printing and paper requirements, you can enjoy the best of both worlds, cutting costs and keeping your employees focused on more productive activities while knowing that any paper needs you still have been covered.