Even small offices with several employees affect the environment, and with just a handful of tweaks, those offices can be more in tune with the world around them.

Fostering a Greener Office

Being environmentally friendly in the workplace is so important that large corporations are creating environmental management systems to govern business behavior. While a full-scale EMS may be a bit much for the small, local office, similar principles can be used to make an office greener, and in most cases, this is about changing habits and not spending more.

Commit to Proper Recycling

A small office can create more waste than the average home, which is why it’s imperative to ensure that recyclable materials are discarded properly. The simplest step is to have separate containers for plastic, paper and so forth, but where the average office is most likely to misstep is in the discarding of electronics. Never discard electronics with the trash, and speak to your waste management service and the town in order to learn about the free disposal options available to you.

Manage Your Printing and Copying

Printing, copying, scanning and similar activities are another area of great waste for many offices. Perhaps the easiest way to curb that waste, and actually lower costs in many cases, is to take advantage of managed print services in Las Vegas. Managed printing helps reduce your environmental footprint through reduced use of paper and ink, through lessened energy consumption and lowered waste output.

Switch to a Document Management System

Small offices can actually consume more paper and other office supplies than large offices because large offices generally have the advantage of a document management system. A DMS gives employees concurrent and accurate access to the documents they need for reading and editing without the use of paper, ink and host of other supplies.

Consider Remanufactured Equipment

Whether you lease or purchase your equipment, remanufactured is an excellent option because remanufactured equipment can provide great cost-savings and can require 90 percent or more less resources to create. Remanufactured equipment generally goes through the same quality control processes, and leading manufacturers often provide similar warranties.